• graganskipateki@gmail.com

Free legal help, legal culture and socialization

As a result of the previous activity, Civic Tracks started an active cooperation with the Bar Association of the Republic of Macedonia, with which the office of Civic Tracks in Bitola (at that time on Dalmatinska street no. 61a) was put into operation for pro bono legal services as a part of the project "Free legal help, legal culture and socialization." The carrier of the project on a national level was the Bar Association of the Republic of Macedonia, and the office in Bitola was the first office of this kind in our country opened as a result of partnership between Bar Associations and Civic Tracks. The users of the pro bono legal services were the following categories: social cases, handicapped persons, single parents, victims of family violence, and victims of trafficking with people.
This way Bar Association and Civic Tracks stood in protection of citizens whose rights and freedoms were violated in a period when these categories are experiencing life ordeals and financial problems. After the positive experiences in Bitola, such offices were opened in Skopje, Stip, Kumanovo, Tetovo, Gostivar, Ohrid and Strumica.
The partnership between the Bar Association and Civic Tracks is a significant index for the confidence of the institutions in the non-governmental sector as a serious partner in projects of exceptional importance for the development of democratic processes and building a legal state.